
  • Open Letter on Grassy Mountain Coal Project, 2025

    The Grassy Mountain coal project presents an environmental threat to our region. As such, coal extraction in the headwaters is an economic threat to the agri-food industry. It is the reasonable concern of every person to have access to uncontaminated water: for our homes, for our businesses, and for growing our food. When the Grassy…

  • Suggestions to Maintain and Enhance Water Availability for Healthy Aquatic Ecosystems

    Submission for input to the Alberta online engagement on water availability Aquatic ecosystems include rivers, stream, lakes, ponds and wetlands as well as the riparian areas on their periphery. These landscape features capture, store, release and convey the water that falls as snow and rain. They are critical for sustaining life in a watershed and…

  • Microplastics recently hosted a film titled Plastic People on the topic of microplastics. Microplastics are defined as pieces of plastic smaller than 5 mm. Microplastics much smaller than this, however, are being found in, well, everything. Imagine dividing the edge of a dime into 1000 slices – that is a micrometer. Invisible to the eye,…

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SAGE champions a healthy, sustainable community through advocacy and action. Our vision is an environmentally conscious Southern Alberta, driven by informed choices.

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